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lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2019

Codigo (https://gist.github.com/positron96/7269466) que se aplica en https://processing.org/download/

Blog de Serial data plotting programs


MegunoLink ($29.95; Lite free) - plotting, logging, programming, reporting and more.
ArduinoPlot (free) - simple plotting.
arduino-plotter (free) - easy, light-weight plotting with support for all primitive types
Bridge Control Panel (free) - logging, plotting, and more.
RealtimePlotter (free) - 6 channels data plotting.
Real Time Serial Data Plotter (free) - CSV data plotting, logging and more.
SimPlot (free) - 4 channel plotting.
Arduino Serial Plotter (free) - built in Arduino Editor under Tools > Serial Plotter.
SerialPlot (free). It does everything you require and much more.
You can try serialchart. It's pretty strait forward program. It does exactly what you asked. The only disadvantage is that it requires data in CSV format (does not meet first point).
I made an equivalent tool in python that print real time data from ADXL345 accelerometer. https://github.com/mba7/SerialPort-RealTime-Data-Plotter
SVisual Monitoring and recording of signals for Arduino and not only.
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